Where To Buy Microscope Slides
Channel your inner scientist and experience science firsthand with Microscope Slides & Cover Glass. Perfect for a child with a passion for learning, this set includes ten microscope slides and twenty cover glass slides you can use to examine samples, specimens, and particles under your very own microscope. Don your lab coat and explore the fascinating world of science!
where to buy microscope slides
Some objects, such as a dollar bill, can be viewed by placing directly onto the stage, and holding in place using stage clips. Experiment for yourself to see how the materials below can be viewed with your compound microscope.
1. If the object you are viewing under the microscope is thick, you will need a sharp knife or razor blade to cut off a thin section (the thinner the slice, the easier it will be to view with your microscope).
You might be amazed at what a variety of shapes and color you can find by looking at chemicals or food under the microscope! All of these substances can be made into wet mount slides, but some of the chemicals also look interesting as dry mount slides.
Turkey Family Genetics Activity Have you ever wondered where your eye or hair color comes from? Heredity is the inheritance and variation of traits. This Turkey Family Genetics activity is a fun way to teach your student about...
Teach your kids the concepts of entomology (bug science), microbiology, and more!Our slides are made out of high quality glass, which makes viewing easy and crystal clear! It also comes with a PVC box, which is ultra-sturdy and allows for years of storage.
The microscope is just perfect for beginners young and old. I love that it's portable so we can bring it with us on our forest walks. With all the bugs trying to come into the house because of fall, we've had an ample supply of neat things to look at. We even decided to see what a fruit fly looks like up close!
Trajan Series 3 Adhesive microscope slides are manufactured with a specialized fortified adhesion coating that provides improved tissue sample adherence and extensibility. The slides are made of fine glass with superior flatness and transmittance with minimal intrinsic fluorescence.
A microscope slide is a thin flat piece of glass, typically 75 by 26 mm (3 by 1 inches) and about 1 mm thick, used to hold objects for examination under a microscope. Typically the object is mounted (secured) on the slide, and then both are inserted together in the microscope for viewing. This arrangement allows several slide-mounted objects to be quickly inserted and removed from the microscope, labeled, transported, and stored in appropriate slide cases or folders etc.
Microscope slides are often used together with a cover slip or cover glass, a smaller and thinner sheet of glass that is placed over the specimen. Slides are held in place on the microscope's stage by slide clips, slide clamps or a cross-table which is used to achieve precise, remote movement of the slide upon the microscope's stage (such as in an automated/computer operated system, or where touching the slide with fingers is inappropriate either due to the risk of contamination or lack of precision). Frosted microscope Slides (76mm-20mm)26mm0.9mm) 50 pic one box
The origin of the concept was pieces of ivory or bone, containing specimens held between disks of transparent mica, that would slide into the gap between the stage and the objective.[1] These "sliders" were popular in Victorian England until the Royal Microscopical Society introduced the standardized glass microscope slide.[2]
Microscope slides are usually made of optical quality glass, such as soda lime glass or borosilicate glass, but specialty plastics are also used. Fused quartz slides are often used when ultraviolet transparency is important, e.g. in fluorescence microscopy.[3][4]
While plain slides are the most common, there are several specialized types. A concavity slide or cavity slide has one or more shallow depressions ("wells"), designed to hold slightly thicker objects, and certain samples such as liquids and tissue cultures.[5] Slides may have rounded corners for increased safety or robustness, or a cut-off corner for use with a slide clamp or cross-table, where the slide is secured by a spring-loaded curved arm contacting one corner, forcing the opposing corner of the slide against a right angled arm which does not move. If this system were used with a slide which did not incorporate these cut-off corners, the corners would chip and the slide could shatter.[5]
Some slides have a frosted or enamel-coated area at one end, for labeling with a pencil or pen.[5] Slides may have special coatings applied by the manufacturer, e.g. for chemical inertness or enhanced cell adhesion. The coating may have a permanent electric charge to hold thin or powdery samples. Common coatings include poly-L-lysine, silanes, epoxy resins,[5][7] or even gold.[8]
The mounting of specimens on microscope slides is often critical for successful viewing. The problem has been given much attention in the last two centuries and is a well-developed area with many specialized and sometimes quite sophisticated techniques. Specimens are often held into place using the smaller glass cover slips.
The main function of the cover slip is to keep solid specimens pressed flat, and liquid samples shaped into a flat layer of even thickness. This is necessary because high-resolution microscopes have a very narrow region within which they focus.
The cover glass often has several other functions. It holds the specimen in place (either by the weight of the cover slip or, in the case of a wet mount, by surface tension) and protects the specimen from dust and accidental contact. It protects the microscope's objective lens from contacting the specimen and vice versa; in oil immersion microscopy or water immersion microscopy the cover slip prevents contact between the immersion liquid and the specimen. The cover slip can be glued to the slide so as to seal off the specimen, retarding dehydration and oxidation of the specimen and also preventing contamination. A number of sealants are in use, including commercial sealants, laboratory preparations, or even regular clear nail polish, depending on the sample. A solvent-free sealant that can be used for live cell samples is "valap", a mixture of vaseline, lanolin and paraffin in equal parts.[9]Microbial and cell cultures can be grown directly on the cover slip before it is placed on the slide, and specimens may be permanently mounted on the slip instead of on the slide.[9]
In a dry mount, the simplest kind of mounting, the object is merely placed on the slide. A cover slip may be placed on top to protect the specimen and the microscope's objective and to keep the specimen still and pressed flat. This mounting can be successfully used for viewing specimens like pollen, feathers, hairs, etc. It is also used to examine particles caught in transparent membrane filters (e.g., in analysis of airborne dust).
For pathological and biological research, the specimen usually undergoes a complex histological preparation that involves fixing it to prevent decay, removing any water contained in it, replacing the water with paraffin, cutting it into very thin sections using a microtome, placing the sections on a microscope slide, staining the tissue using various stains to reveal specific tissue components, clearing the tissue to render it transparent and covering it with a coverslip and mounting medium.
Strewn mounting describes the production of palynological microscope slides by suspending a concentrated sample in distilled water, placing the samples on a slide, and allowing the water to evaporate.[13]
These parts provide optical characteristics not found in ordinary glass slides and cover slip. Their above average material and surface quality can dramatically enhance image quality, providing you with more accurate results.
These large microscope slides are specially made for larger tissue sections. Microscope slides are made in special dimensions. 1.0-1.2mm square edge ground, thick polished edges, 90 square corners, 7mm deep frosting both ends, plain.
Virtual slides are digital facsimiles of glass microscope slides that, when viewed with a pan and zoom viewer, can emulate viewing a glass slide with a traditional microscope. Based on successful implementation of virtual slides in medical student histology and pathology courses at the University of Iowa, we developed a plan to evaluate the use of virtual slides in the American Association for Cancer Research's annual Pathobiology of Cancer Workshop. In this Workshop, nonphysician predoctoral students and postdoctoral fellows working in cancer research explore the morphological, clinical, and molecular aspects of human cancer. Over the course of a week, students examine approximately 100 glass slides in microscope laboratories, facilitated by senior cancer investigators. The goal of the present study was to evaluate virtual slides as a teaching modality in these laboratories, not as a replacement for traditional microscopy, but rather in terms of their utility in facilitating student learning as they examine glass slides with a traditional microscope. Evaluation by questionnaire indicated that virtual slides enhanced students' ability to grasp morphological features better than the traditional photomicrographs. The results of this implementation suggest that virtual slide technology may be successfully extended to other educational venues where traditional microscopy and photomicrographs are currently used. 041b061a72